HYDAC Mixed Reality Training

HYDAC Mixed Reality Training

Multi-User Hydraulics Maintenance Training ​in Virtual Reality on Mobile VR Hardware

Project team:

Stefan Greuter
Thuong Hoang
Simeon Taylor

HYDAC VR Training (HVRT) gives staff and students the opportunity to participate in instructor guided, and self-guided, hydraulics maintenance training in virtual reality. HVRT users can work from home or off-site. HVRT supports real-time instructor feedback, self-guided training and skill verification, through direct hands-on interaction with a fully functional model of a hydraulic mining transport system which provides a hydraulic wheel locking unit with pressure to secure iron ore train waggons while they are loaded. ​


Award Nomination
This work received a 2020 Premiers Design Awards Finalist Award

This work was programmed by Paul Hammond ​with graphic design by Scott Jackson