Karen LeRossignol

Developing disruptively immersive digital storyworlds as creative communities


Dr Karen Le Rossignol

Senior Lecturer in Writing, Literature and Culture, Research Fellow DML

Research and Experience
Karen Le Rossignol is a Senior Lecturer in Professional and Creative Writing in the School of Communication and Creative Arts, Deakin University. She has developed and researched eight digital storyworld projects that extend narrative possibilities for community social advocacy and empathy, achieving national acknowledgement for her work in this area. Karen’s research is linked to digital disruptions as challenges for work-integrated learning, and the future world-of-work need for ‘shape-shifting portfolio people’ (Gee, 2000) who are flexible and responsive to strategic approaches to managing a freelancing future. The experiential and immersive Verandah imprint project researches the challenges in digital editing and publishing, and production of The Cabinet of Curiosities digital artefact.

Karen’s interests are diverse: creating narrative and scripting for digital worlds; ‘creating truths’ in memoir, personal essays and creative nonfiction; digital anthologies and changing editing roles; extended writing research studios; and industry collaborations incorporating creative communities and freelancing. A major current project (digital Regional Arts Park – dRAP) links her creative writing and interest in communities of arts practice to co-leading an interdisciplinary creative regions research initiative across the faculty. dRAP extends her work from the Deakinopolis storyworlds to research applications for arts communities translocally and globally.


Digital storyworlds, praxis and poiesis in transformative experience, disruptive change, creative communities of arts practice

Digital storyworlds https://blogs.deakin.edu.au/digitalstoryworlds/
Creative Regions Research Initiative https://creativeregionsresearch.org.au